My Interests:
Private grassroots journalism – I am web-publishing my own journalistic web-articles
on my own purchased rent webspace and also all webmaster-work I do myself. –
View the index of my websites: https://johannamarialindner.eu –
My Further Interests:
Writing on demand and creative writing.
One of my basic interests is your recognition of my complete bio:
Since 46 years I am married to my spouse Gerhard_Hans and
I am mother of our four grown up children:
I have born 5 (Dan_Christian 1974, Nina_Maria 1976, Matthias_Gerhard 1981, Charissa_Johanna 1994,
Moritz_Emmanuel 2000) –
and I have raised up 4 (two sons and two daughters; the baby born in November 2000 has died in the premature intensive care unit at AKH Vienna after four days).
Besides my care and my work for my family I absolved my Final Graduation ‘Matura on the Naturwissenschaftliches Realgymnasium, with Latin Language’ (Abitur) in June 1988.
Then I have studied Protestant Evangelic Theology as a regular student
– including my Graduations in the Graecum on the Catholic Faculty and in the Hebraicum at UNI VIE
as requested for the regular study of Protestant Theology –
for 18 semesters from 1988 until 2004 at UNI VIE (University in Vienna).
Simultaneously I have done some studies in Journalism and Africanistic at UNI VIE.
And I have been legally entitled to absolve and to graduate in
the ‘Psychotherapeutic Propaedeuticum’
at ‘Lehranstalt für Systemische Familientherapie der Katholischen Erzdiözese’ in Vienna
and to receive my graduation-certificate 1996 while being inscribed as
‘regular student’ in Protestant Theology at UNI VIE.
A Basic Value:
Fair Play – inward in mind intrinsic physical and in-between extrinsic virtual physical and outward digital physical and outward physical:
‘Fair Play in all Ideas, Intentions, Attitudes, Plans, Actions, Providings, Assistances, Omissions and Doings.’